As a business owner and rancher, Dr. Rogers understands firsthand that small businesses are the backbone of our economy. The Texas economy is number one for a reason, and that is due to our pro-growth, pro-business policies like HB 5, which allows businesses that choose to flourish in the state to lower their tax burden and free funds that can be spent on creating more jobs and maximizing their potential. Rogers also supported SB 929 which requires municipalities to give written notice of a proposed change in zoning and additionally compensate business owners required to close due to such a change. Glenn will never let oppressive red tape bar businesses from prospering in Texas.
Texas businesses are the innovators of our time, and Glenn will continue to fight for policies that allow our businesses to succeed. For his strong, pro-business support, Glenn has proudly previously been endorsed by the Texas Association of Business and the Texas branch of the National Federation of Independent Business.
Texas must have a strong southern border. The Biden Administration has failed to protect our border, and Glenn believes that Texas must contribute the necessary resources to protect Texans from illegal immigration, gangs, and drug cartels, and defend the innocent from being victims of human-trafficking. During the 87th Legislature, Glenn increased funding by over $2.8 billion to secure our border with more troopers and technology.
Since President Biden took office, 8 million illegal immigrants have poured across our border and enough fentanyl was caught to kill every single American last year. During the 88th Legislature, Glenn allocated $5.1 billion to finish the wall; close entry point loopholes; and boost our technology, surveillance mechanisms, and law enforcement presence.
Additionally, Glenn cosponsored key legislation signing an interstate compact with neighboring states to share intelligence and crack down on crossings. Mexican cartels are officially designated terrorist organizations; fentanyl poisoning can now be prosecuted as murder; the penalties for human trafficking are harsher; and Glenn empowered U.S. Border Patrol agents allowing them to search, seize, and arrest state and federal offenses in addition to expanding these powers to apply to areas outside of official ports of entry.
Also, HB 3144, a bill joint authored by Glenn, brings awareness to this very issue our country is facing and designates October as Fentanyl Poisoning Awareness Month. Glenn Rogers will fight for our state’s sovereignty and safety regardless of failed federal policies.
Glenn has been a reliable voice for taxpayers and has always fought for meaningful and lasting property tax relief for property owners because he believes that the state must increase its share of funding to public education and stop putting so much of the burden on local taxpayers. Additionally, unfunded mandates handed down by the Legislature on our local governments need to be eliminated and prohibited by an amendment to the state constitution.
Thanks to Glenn’s leadership, during the special session, the legislature just passed the largest property tax cut in Texas history of $18.1 billion. Glenn also voted to protect homeowners during the property tax appeal process by moving the burden of proof from them to the appraiser and he voted to grant property owners access to the same information the appraisal district is using before having to schedule a protest. Previously, owners would need to schedule a protest before having permission to access this evidence.
Glenn Rogers is a taxpayer champion and will continue to work towards his goal of eliminating property taxes in Texas altogether.
The constitutional right to keep and bear arms must be protected at all costs. The recent calls to restrict the Second Amendment in response to the murderous acts of a few may be well-intentioned, but they are misguided. No legislation will remove hate in the hearts of some or force others to respect human life. Gun ownership is important to safeguard against both individual threats and potential governmental tyranny.
Formerly, Glenn passed “constitutional carry,” and made Texas a sanctuary state for the Second Amendment, and removed federal restrictions on firearm suppressors that are manufactured in Texas.
As the national rhetoric against guns grows, Glenn knows it is imperative that Texas takes the necessary steps to shield our rights from radical ideologies. He coauthored HB 2837 which prevents entities from being able to surveille, report, or track firearm, ammunition, and accessory purchases. He also coauthored HB 3137 which prohibits local governments from regulating firearms or air guns.
Glenn is a staunch defender of the Constitution and will ensure the government never infringes on our God-given rights.
As a Christian, Glenn believes that all life is created in the image of God. Glenn is a devoted believer in the precious sanctity of human life and is vehemently opposed to abortion. Glenn passed the “heartbeat” bill, which bans any abortion after the detection of an unborn child’s heartbeat. Glenn also increased funding to the Alternatives to Abortion program. With the 2022 overturn of Roe V. Wade, the Abortion Ban Trigger Law superseded the “heartbeat” bill–making Texas is the most pro-life state in the country.
Glenn has received endorsements by Texas Alliance for Life and LifePAC.
As a proud, successful product of public education, Glenn is a strong supporter of our public schools. A graduate of Graham schools and former member of the Graford ISD school board, Glenn knows firsthand that our kids and teachers deserve access to the best public education system we can provide. A strong public education system leads to a strong workforce, which keeps the Texas economy number one in the nation and a driving force throughout the world.
Glenn has added over $11 billion in public education funding, which is over the HB 3 commitments from 2019. This session, Glenn joint authored HB 4246 to ensure delivery of certain unclaimed money for scholarships for rural students, rural economic development, and energy efficiency assistance. Through HB 8, high school students can kickstart their college journey by taking free dual credit courses, which can prepare students for an earlier graduation and save them money on their education. A successful veterinarian himself, Glenn joint authored HB 2026 offering financial support to students enrolled in a rural veterinary program.
Protecting children throughout the state is crucial to Glenn, especially while they are learning and growing at school. He proudly coauthored legislation boosting public school safety protocols, funding, and active shooter training for peace officers–because our children should only have to worry about studying for their next test. And now, all law enforcement is required to undergo active shooter training through the Texas School Safety Center.
As the son of a teacher, Glenn understands the critical importance of our teachers both active and retired. During the 2021 session, he authored the supplemental “13th check” legislation that became law. Glenn also increased the state’s contribution to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. Glenn remains focused on ensuring teachers have the tools to succeed in preparing the next generation of children for higher education and beyond.
Texas leads the nation in rural hospital closures. When a rural hospital closes it creates a barrier for many to access quality care and delays the arrival of emergency services in times of a life-threatening crisis. Last session, Glenn made it a top priority to address this urgent challenge and secured over $123 million for our rural hospitals.
Glenn also made it a top priority this session to protect expectant mothers, extending the period of time they can use Medicaid services. Glenn works hard every day to ensure that our institutions are more transparent today than when he took office, which is why he cosponsored SB 490 mandating that health care providers deliver itemized bills to patients.
Rogers passed the Wholesale Prescription Drug Importation Act which allows the Health and Human Services Commission to establish an importation program that provides prescriptions from outside of the United States at a lower cost to Texans–because he believes no one should have to choose between being able to afford medicine or food.
In addition to institutional transparency, Glenn strongly favors individual liberty. He coauthored HB 44 outlawing health care providers from discriminating against Medicaid recipients for their vaccination status.
Veterinarian Glenn Rogers is an advocate for all Texans.
As a rancher and Farm Bureau leader, Glenn is an unwavering supporter of private property rights. Glenn passed legislation to overhaul the eminent domain process and make it more fair for landowners. Glenn also passed legislation (HB 73) that protects farmers and ranchers from frivolous lawsuits.
During the 88th Session, Glenn and his colleagues have heard the calls from Texans over concerns of the internet, particularly relating to an individual’s data. Glenn stood up to “Big Tech” with by giving Texans new “digital rights” that creates protections for sensitive information.
Nationally, radicals on the left have already waged war on our state’s ability to produce and export oil and gas. In 2023, they added fuel to the fire by calling for Americans to give up gas stoves. Glenn cosponsored SB 1017 ensuring no entity can restrict our energy sources or engines.
Glenn has been endorsed by the Texas Farm Bureau AGFUND and the Texas REALTORS.